Trade Today: Understanding and Identifying Risks in Global Value Chains
Mar 27, 2025 - Mar 27, 2025
Full course description
With increasing uncertainty around trade policy and tariffs this workshop will teach participants how to interpret trade data, analyze market trends, and use data analysis tools to enhance their decision-making and analytical abilities as it applies to international trade. Explore the various TiVA databases, newer databases on Multinational Corporation and/or Firm level trade, and how these databases can reveal supply chain risks, and how they may or may not reveal the effects of trade policy uncertainty.
What You Will Learn:
- Trade Data Types: Learn the differences between traditional trade and TiVA data and how both can help navigate an increasingly complex and uncertain trade environment.
- Market Trends & Economic Insights: Discover how to identify trends and anticipate potential disruptions caused by a volatile trade policy environment building a comprehensive view of market trends and economic impacts.
- Analysis Skills: Gain experience with data analysis tools to enhance your ability to provide strategic advice to decision-makers.
- Supply Chains & Vulnerabilities: Explore the role of multinational corporations and learn how TiVA databases can reveal supply chain risks.
- Policy & Compliance: Understand the intersection of trade data, policy, and regulatory compliance in a globalized economy.
- Networking & Practical Application: Build connections and leave with tools to make informed, strategic trade decisions.
Key Questions:
- How can the OECD and other TiVA (Trade in Value Added) databases be used to identify potential supply chain vulnerabilities in an era of rising uncertainty around trade policy and tariffs?
- How does one develop and assess trade and national security policies in an integrated world economy?
- How are TiVA databases created?
- How might tariff, trade, and industrial policy changes impact the organization of global value chains?
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the strengths and weaknesses in traditional trade and trade in value added data to better manage risks.
- Differentiate between supply chain and value added trade databases.
- Understand the historical evolution of global trade and trade in value added.
- Understand the various TiVA indicators and how they are used to identify the connections and positions of trading countries and sectors.
- Understand the role of Multinational Corporations in value and supply chains, and how they, and smaller firms, manage supply chain risks in a rapidly changing policy landscape.
Policies and Processes
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Learners registered for on-demand courses without a start date will be eligible for a refund if the course is dropped and a refund is requested within 24 hours of registration and when there is no record of page views or participation in the Canvas Platform.
Refund requests will be denied if requested after a course’s start date, 24 hours after registration in the case of on-demand courses without a start date, or when there is a record of page views or participation in the canvas Platform.
Payments and fees:
For payments with credit cards, debit cards or bank accounts, the tuition cost includes a non-refundable 4% administrative fee. In case an eligible refund is requested, the net funds returned will be the tuition minus 4%.
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Non-credit courses are not recorded in American University transcripts. No credit is earned from these courses and grades are not posted. Learners enrolled in Non-Credit courses will not receive an AU ID or have access to services and or facilities reserved for AU students. Access to the AU library system will be available to all members of the greater Washington DC area through visitor services. See the link for more information
For Information about this course:
SIS Strategic Partnerships